Web site realization

Website e-commerce catalog

E-commerce website

E-commerce with blog is a catalog with a blog that has in addition a most valuable service for the end customer and that is the ability to sell your products and services online!!!

E-commerce as structured by Crisandcris.NET allows you to:

  • doing content marketing
  • index your products thanks to product sheets
  • Provide a valuable service to your customers
  • sell online

Again, it is recommended to have at least an initial start-up advertising campaign and then work with content marketing.


What is meant by e-commerce website

The e-commerce website gives you the ability to have a tab for each product you wish to sell.
A search section is available to have your products searched.
It is possible to define product categories to be grouped together for easy reference.

Shopping cart, payment method configuration is available, and you have the ability to create promotional coupons.

The E-commerce website with blog on the level of SEO (to be found on Google search engine) has the same power as the catalog: Content Marketing on the blog and products with the addition of online purchasing service for users which is a great added value for its customers! It is chosen when you have products to sell online including made-to-order.
Again, the advice to be satisfied is to activate at least one advertising campaign a year, and as usual you will act according to your competition and goals.


Activation of advertising campaign

Regardless of the type of website you choose the advice is to activate at least one advertising campaign a year on the Google search engine. Depending on the type of site and competition, multiple advertising campaigns may be necessary.

In summary the summary of an e-commerce website

  • You have a tab for each product you wish to sell and to the multiple pages for presenting your business
  • You can do content marketing with both the blog and product sheets
  • At least one advertising campaign a year is recommended




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