Via Meina, 3, 10146, Turin, TO

VAT NUMBER : 08813060012

Holder’s email address:



Platform or Website:

WEB services: courses carried out online, consulting carried out online in meet, websites remotely realized with scheduled delivery, advertising campaigns activated online on Google ads, Social service managed online remotely.

Consumer: an individual who makes the purchase for purposes unrelated to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out

Professional: one who acts for professional or business purposes

User: any individual who has access to the site

Materials: all materials on the website

Download: transfer, normally of files, from a remote computer to a local one

Form: electronic forms


  1. CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA is a company that in the context of these General Terms and Conditions, remotely sells the digital content listed on the Website
  2. These General Terms and Conditions govern the offer and distance selling on the indicated Website and may be updated periodically. The General Terms and Conditions of Sale posted on the Website at the time of online purchase shall be considered effective and binding;
  3. The User is kindly requested to carefully read the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy before proceeding to the subscription;
  4. Purchases made on the Website presuppose reading, understanding and acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions;
  5. Any communication regarding purchases made by the Customer on the Website will be made by CRIS AND CRIS by email or by PEC


The purpose of this contract is to regulate the conditions of use of the platform listed at and its subdomains. The procedures for purchasing, enjoying and participating in online courses OR consultations, live events and any other form of use of the platform itself and the proposed offerings are established.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by notifying Users by e-mail. In such a case, the amendments will be effective for the purposes of the law, without the need for specific and further approval and in any case after 10 days from their publication.

Any conduct of the Users put in place in violation of these provisions and tolerated by CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA does not constitute a waiver of rights due to it.

If any of the conditions is found to be null or ineffective, any nullity or ineffectiveness will not extend to the remaining terms of the contract.


All Users shall use the site by strictly adhering to these Terms and Conditions.

In using the Platform (and for related services), the User agrees not to access it for purposes that are illegal or contrary to these terms and conditions of use, or in ways that could damage its functionality, render it unusable, cause overloading, deterioration, and/or interfere with its use by other Users.

Any form of unauthorized access to the platform that may result from conduct related to the misuse of systems or networks, personal accounts or other accounts, through hacking, password forgery or other means is prohibited.

Access to one’s account is unique and the account is nominal.


The User who wishes to purchase services on the platform will be able to select the desired digital product (Advertising campaigns, consulting, courses, single-page website, multi-page website, landing page, Google Business tab, App (Work in family), place it in the shopping cart and after filling out the electronic form in its entirety proceed to purchase and pay for the product.

It is possible to proceed to purchase a product without the need to create an account on the website but by entering only your own data. An email will be sent to the user as a reminder when completed.

If the user wishes, he or she can proceed to register on the website for an account. It can proceed with enrollment either during the purchase phase or before proceeding to purchase a product.

Enrollment procedure

For proper completion of the form and regular registration, the User must indicate any Company data if he/she requires electronic invoicing.
Required data are highlighted with an asterisk.

The User, in accepting the Terms and Conditions of Enrollment, is aware of the responsibilities and consequences provided for in case of false statements and/or the formation or use of false documents as well as in case of the exhibition of documents containing data no longer corresponding to the truth. By accepting the above Terms and Conditions of Enrollment, the User declares under his or her own responsibility that the information given is true and belongs to the declarant. It is the User’s responsibility to guard their login credentials.

Successful registration and subsequent enrollment in the platform is subject to acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, acknowledgement of the privacy policy and provision of consent to the processing of the data provided.
At the end of the procedure, the subscriber will receive an e-mail to the e-mail address provided during registration containing the credentials for access to his or her restricted area.

Purchasing procedure

Having seen the order summary, the User may confirm the will to purchase by clicking on the appropriate negotiation button, containing wording indicating the obligation to pay. This will display the page with the summary of the purchase and the amount to be paid.

The user will be able to complete the order through the payment of the expected fee by one of the following methods: paypal, satispay or bank transfer.

The order is considered valid upon receipt of payment. Payment by bank transfer is to be made within 5 days after ordering. Failure to do so and expiration of the aforementioned terms, the order will be cancelled and to repurchase the product the User will have to repeat the procedure.
In the restricted area, the user can view the order status at any time and proceed to payment, thus concluding the purchase process.

An invoice or receipt showing payment, if due, will be issued following payment, and sent via e-mail to the e-mail or certified e-mail address provided by the participant.


User Area

The User who has completed the registration procedure referred to in the previous points will receive by e-mail the credentials to access his or her reserved area.
These credentials are personal and cannot be given to third parties. The User will be able to uniquely access their account.
In case of loss of the password, special procedure is provided for its recovery.

From the User area, you can access and change your data, including your login password, check the products you have purchased, and specifications related to them. For the above purposes, you are charged with the verification and updating of the data so as to ensure its accuracy and correct processing by the Provider.

Course conduct

Users will be notified of the dates of the courses if they are live and the links to access to take advantage of the courses purchased.

Video recording of the course during the live broadcast is prohibited.

The Participant should verify the date and times when the same will take place in order to take advantage of direct interaction with teachers and other students.

Dates and times may be subject to change or limitation due to operational needs or force majeure events beyond the control of CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA, which will give notice prior to the start of the course.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA may eliminate courses without notice and at its discretion due to business needs or force majeure.

Hardware and software requirements are minimal and are generally met on a standard home-use system. In order to take full advantage of the multimedia content present and online services, it is necessary:

– Have a connection to the Internet. For optimal use, an ADSL connection is recommended;

– Have one of the major available browsers (preferably Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) installed on your device that is regularly updated;

– Have Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on your device to view some materials in pdf format. This software is available free of charge at:

The User also agrees to adapt its hardware and/or software system should it be necessary as a result of subsequent platform upgrades.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA shall have the right to discontinue the provision of the training service purchased by the User, giving immediate notice by email, if:

– there were reasonable grounds to believe that security and/or privacy concerns might arise;

– there is a need to improve the procedures for accessing the online training service, increasing its efficiency.

– the user does not comply with the payment terms of the purchased services.

The User declares that he/she is aware of and accepts the hardware and software prerequisites necessary to access the service provided through the purchased course.


CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA expressly holds and reserves all intellectual property rights to the platform.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA warrants that it has acquired the rights of economic exploitation on the educational material related to the courses, published on the site in any form, including multimedia, and to use any material covered by copyright in accordance with the applicable current legislation on the subject, which expressly provides, as hypotheses of free use, by way of example only, the reproduction or quotation of material for use in criticism, discussion or, again, for educational or scientific use.

By adhering to these terms and conditions, the User does not acquire any rights to the content, graphics, templates of the portal or anything else in it. They are therefore prohibited from reproducing the graphics on the site or any other site developed, licensed, controlled, or owned by them. No logo, graphic element, sound or image accompanying the pages of the site may be copied or reproduced without the express permission of the company.

Trademarks, including de facto trademarks, contained on the site or referred to are protected by trademark, unfair competition and other applicable laws and any trade agreements and, therefore, may not be copied or imitated.

Product and company names that may be mentioned in the platform may be trademarks of their respective owners used by the Provider as a result of specific commercial agreements, so unauthorized use of them is expressly prohibited.

The software related to the platform therein including any updates, which may be provided or otherwise made available to the User, are made or acquired by CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA, which is entitled to all rights of economic use and this agreement does not give any right to the User over the same and their source codes. The User is expressly prohibited from engaging in the activities referred to in Art. 64-bis L. 633/41, such as, by way of example but not limited to: the reproduction, extraction, translation, adaptation, distribution to the public in any form implemented or transfer to third parties of the Software for any reason carried out, whether it is for payment or free of charge. Throughout the duration of the agreement and also thereafter, without the express authorization of CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA, it is forbidden for the User to make interventions on the Software, even if for the correction of any flaws and/or defects, as well as activities of duplication, decompilation, disassembly, transformation, modification of the software. The User will never acquire ownership of the site. Source codes and all rights are the exclusive property of CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA. The same applies to the proprietary media through which the material and live webinar recordings are played.

All rights not expressly granted are reserved.

Any contrary behavior on the part of users legitimizes CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA, after deletion of the profile, to take action in the appropriate venues and forms.


CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA grants participants the possibility of viewing the educational material and downloading it for the sole purpose of personal use, remaining instead precluded from disseminating, reusing, copying, selling it as well as any other action not expressly provided for and specifically agreed upon with the Supplier. In addition, the User will not be able to make any request, demand or claim to CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA, the third party partner companies for the content made and shared during the courses.

The material is intended to be “confidential.” In particular, the User agrees not to provide unauthorized third parties with passwords to access the service, nor to share live or delayed viewing with others.

Violation of the non-disclosure obligation will result in the imposition of a penalty equal to the fee paid, without prejudice to compensation for further damage.

With reference to the training course, dissemination, reuse, copying, sale as well as any other action not expressly provided for and specifically agreed upon with CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA is prohibited. Pursuant to Law no. 633/1941 (Copyright Law) confidential information, data and knowledge may not be copied, reproduced or transmitted, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means except for operational needs strictly related to the performance of its training activities.


The User is informed that there may be third-party banner ads within the platform. Any agreements made between the User and partner companies by accessing the partner company’s external website in no way involve CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA


CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA undertakes to guarantee access to the products offered by the platform to those who have correctly completed the registration and/or purchase process.

It is the obligation of CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA to make available to the User its own restricted area in which his or her personal data and further information relating to the products purchased will be shown.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA is committed to providing what is provided by the product purchased.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA undertakes to store and process personal data of users and customers in accordance with the provisions of D. lgs. 196/2003 and s.m.i. as well as by Regulation 679/16 known dome GDPR, ensuring compliance with the requirements therein and, in particular, those relating to the preparation of logical and physical security measures referred to in Articles 31 et seq. of the legislation referred to, their maintenance, maintenance and servicing in accordance with the law, and to use the information only for the purposes indicated to users and for which they have given appropriate consent, where necessary.

In the event of a request for deletion by the User, CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA undertakes to delete all the data collected, without prejudice to any retention obligations imposed by law.


In creating their profile and filling out the form, the User who intends to register and/or purchase, agrees to provide their personal information correctly and truthfully and not to upload illegal content.

The Member agrees to maintain with the required diligence the authentication credentials needed to access their restricted area and the platform.

The User agrees to use the interaction services offered by the platform to the registered User for the sole purpose of discussion regarding the topics covered by the services offered by CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA, having to consider prohibited any form of contact aimed at the promotion of goods or services and, more generally, any spamming or other activity that violates the regulations in force or may bother other users.

Users are prohibited from sharing their login credentials with others. Site membership is nominal and personal. The Participant agrees to uniquely access the learning materials, being restricted by the platform to access from multiple devices contextually. Any abuse on the use of one’s credentials will result in the cancellation of the course registration and/or payment of registration for any User who has fraudulently used the course materials.

In case of participation in a live course, the participant agrees to interact with the lecturer and other users within the limits of what pertains to the topic of the course, assuming as of now all responsibility for any content that is illicit, contrary to morality, decency and violating the rights of others, which may be communicated on that occasion.


Access to the platform is permitted as long as the User does not request the deletion of his/her profile, subject to the discretionary power of CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA to discontinue the provision of the service as indicated in the preceding paragraphs.

The duration of the courses is as indicated in the form that the User views when joining the course.


The right of withdrawal does not apply when purchasing services online, the exceptions to the right of withdrawal in Art. 59, c.1 (a) and (o) of Legislative Decree. No.206/2005 (Consumer Code). Indeed, in such a case, the user consents to the provision of digital distance services through a non-material medium, with the express agreement and acceptance that this precludes any right of withdrawal.


CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA may at any time communicate any changes regarding the dates of the Courses due to organizational or technical reasons. Such changes will be promptly communicated to the Corsican by phone and/or e-mail. The User is therefore required to notify CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA of any changes in telephone numbers or e-mail addresses, throughout the duration of the course.

The User shall have no claim to any of the above changes or additions.

In relation to the number of registrations received, CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA may cancel or move to another date the holding of the live course, subject to prior notice sent to the e-mail address provided by the Participant.

Live courses or consulting

In the event of postponement or cancellation of the live course or counseling due to exceptional events, unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure not attributable to CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA and/or prescriptions of the Administrative Authorities, as occurred in early 2020 for the COVID-19 emergency, the provisions of the law apply.

In the event, where CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA cannot guarantee the continuation of one or more courses or services for organizational reasons not attributable to itself, it will give immediate notice to the participant through a communication to be sent to the e-mail address indicated during registration and guaranteeing the payment of a bonus.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA reserves the right at any time and without notice, to make changes to the contents guaranteeing competence.


The liability of CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA is understood to be within the limits of its obligations under these terms and conditions and the amount paid at the time of registration.

The User warrants that he/she will use the site in accordance with the conditions and for the services established and offered by the Provider, excluding any use that is intended for illegal purposes or contrary to the provisions of these terms and conditions of use and otherwise in a manner that could damage it, render it unusable, overload or deteriorate it, or interfere with its use by other Users.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA is not responsible either to the User or to parties directly or indirectly connected to them for delays, inefficiencies or suspensions of the site that depend on Third Parties or caused by force majeure or fortuitous event (including but not limited to: suspension, slowdown or malfunction of telephone service or electricity supply, malfunctions of the Internet network or of the Internet Service Provider, or of the software used for the performance of the service, impediments or obstacles determined by provisions of law or acts of foreign national Authorities, measures or acts of a legal nature or facts of third parties, or other causes not directly attributable to the Provider); for increase or failure to increase business by the User’s activity, for failure to achieve the desired results from investments and costs incurred, and for any damage resulting from teaching; for tampering with or interventions by third parties on services or equipment used by the Provider or the User; for misuse of the platform by Users; malfunction of connection equipment used by Users; non-conformity and/or obsolescence of equipment or programs with which the User or third parties are equipped; problems or inefficiencies inherent to hosting and domain; for malfunctioning of services, loss of data, accidental dissemination of personal or sensitive data, and any other type of damage occurred as a result of attacks by hackers, thieves, hackers, crackers, viruses, etc.

The User agrees that the Provider shall not be held liable for any omissions or errors that may be contained in the materials transited on the site nor, again, for any infringement of the rights of others and damages, including indirect, consequential to it, or for other damages of any kind, including resulting from loss of right of use, loss of information or loss of earnings or arising from breach of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in any way connected with the use or information available on the site

Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence, the user expressly releases CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA from any liability for direct and indirect damages:

– that the User himself or third parties may suffer in connection with or in dependence of the provision of the Services, or as a result of the interruption of the Courses;

– that the User himself/herself or third parties can in any way blame for the failure of the telecommunication network operator to provide connectivity, or even for the Corsican’s recourse to the use of connectivity (not high-speed) technically incompatible with the online services, as well as for the failure to use the streaming /Webinar service as a result of defects found by the Corsican in the use of the same, if all of the above was due to the Corsican’s failure to meet the minimum system requirements set forth in point 4, the verification of which is the User’s responsibility;

– caused by third parties illicitly accessing the Courses, due to the User’s lack of caution in the safekeeping of user-id and password, or due to the absence of other security measures that the Corsican is required to take.

Under no circumstances will CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA be held liable:
– Of the malfunction of online services resulting from failures, overloads, interruptions of telephone lines, power lines, or referred to the Internet network;
– for defaults of third parties that impair the enjoyment of online services, including, but not limited to, slowdowns in speed or failure of the telephone lines and processors that handle telematic traffic between the Learner and the educational platform from which the services are delivered;

The User agrees to indemnify CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA against all losses, damages, liabilities, costs, charges and expenses (including legal) that may be incurred by CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA as a result of any failure to comply with the obligations assumed by the user by signing this Agreement, and in any case related to the entry of information on the site; all this, even in the event of claims for damages made by third parties in any capacity.

The User agrees to hold CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA harmless from any liability in case of complaints, lawsuits, governmental or administrative actions, losses or damages arising from the illegal use of the services by the user or third parties.

CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA cannot be held responsible for services mistakenly purchased by the user.

The User declares that he/she is aware of and warrants that he/she has no claim against CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA in the event that the information provided in the educational activity is out of date.


Should any clause of these Conditions be found to be invalid or ineffective, the said clause shall be deemed not to have been affixed while the remaining clauses shall not be affected thereby and shall remain effective.


For what concerns the processing and protection of personal data, please refer to the Information on Data Processing made pursuant to Art. 13 GDPR 679/2016


The parties recognize Italian law as the only valid law for all articles and clauses of these conditions.

The target language is Italian.


All disputes concerning this agreement shall be referred to Italian jurisdiction, and the Court of Turin shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) at the link


These Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any differing provisions and conditions contained in the User’s order relating to registration on the CRIS AND CRIS DI GALIA CRISTINA platform and any other verbal or written agreement previously made between the parties.

Date: 14/01/2022