‎vignette sul web 2024 bando fesr 2021-2027

Digital marketing: Web Vignettes 2024, notices FESR 2021-27

Digital marketing: I have some project ideas, but I don’t have the budget! You should know that this is an interesting month for digitalization because the call for digitalization is active in all regions of Italy thanks to European funds for regional development. I am referring to the 2021-27 ERDF call.

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‎vignette sul web 2024 digital marketing linkedin

Digital marketing: Web Vignettes 2024, is Linkedin safe? Are there any dangers?

Digital marketing: Web Vignettes 2024, Facebook email scam
The professional LinkedIn social network… is it safe? Are there any dangers?
Bad guys also arrive on Linkedin! Even though it is a professional social network, Linkedin is not immune to risks… I’ll show you a conversation with a potential client…

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