January 2024 marketing calendar

After the holidays we start again with the new working year!!!
Here are some dates to mark on your calendar for marketing promotions:
January 1: New Year’s Day – World Day for Peace
January 4: World Braille Alphabet Day
January 6: Epiphany
January 7: Tricolor Day
Jan. 15: Blue Monday (the saddest day of the year)
January 16: World Snow Day
January 17: International Pizza Day
January 21: World Hug Day
January 22: Chinese New Year
January 23: World Handwriting Day
Jan. 24: International Day of Education
January 27: Holocaust Memorial Day
January 28: International Lego Day
“The golden rule of marketing: propose to your customers as you would like them to propose to you.”
– Philip Kotler
January 2024 marketing calendar
calendar_marketing january 2024
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