New law for websites GDPR 2022

If you don't have in your website the new cookie banner
risk penalties!!!

If you have landed on this page you are looking for information on adapting your website banner to the new GDPR 2022. We can help you and offer a free, no-obligation consultation to check your website and see if in your case something needs to be done to bring you into compliance and not risk penalties.

makes professional websites and also offers Cookie Banner service.

Find out if everything is OK!
We will tell you if you are in good standing!!! Fill out the form on this page.

Scopri se il tuo banner e in regola con il GDPR 2022 800px

Find out with our help if you are in compliance.

Having a banner does NOT ASSURE that you are in compliance IF certain features are not present.


    Richiedo una consulenza GRATUITA e senza impegno per la nuova normativa GDPR 2022

    Ho preso visione dell'informativa e dò il mio consenso al trattamento dei dati personali

    Informativa Privacy