Multipage Website Original price was: 2.135,00 €.Current price is: 1.921,50 €.
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Coupon Service


Crisandcris coupon service

Services included 12 months:

  • Define the value of the coupon to be sent to your customers and the validity time
  • Determine whether the coupon can be used at the point of sale or online
  • Based on usage, automatic or pre-configured coupon generation
  • Backend available for configuration and consultation of downloaded coupons
  • Ability to check off coupons used
  • User coupon code request form
  • Sending mail with coupons to the user

Find out all the details in the section:


Incentivize your customers to purchase your products/services by offering a promotional coupon code and increase the number of leads!!!

Add Crisandcris coupon section to increase your business!!!

After purchase you will be contacted to proceed with service installation!

Upon purchase of the service you will be contacted, guided to install the coupon service!!!

Online contact via email, phone, and video calls: but don’t worry you will be guided every step of the way and we will help you.


Why include coupon service in your own site?

The coupon section allows a user, through filling out the form, to receive a financial benefit, which can be used within your store or in your online store.

The Crisandcris coupon section on your website, allows you to entice users to purchase the goods/services you offer and increase your contact volume!

Garanzia qualità dei servizi I servizi sono servizi di qualità. Ogni singolo servizio viene svolto con attenzione, professionalità ed esperienza! Puntualità , affidabilità e correttezza sono caratteristiche che puoi trovare in